Hello, my name is
Bence Vinkovics

About me

I am a Student, studying Business Informatics, at Corvinus Univeristy of Budapest and I aspire to become a web developer.

Technologies I use

Html logo CSS logo JavaScript logo React logo C# logo Git icon Visual Studio Code logo Visual Studio logo


Weather Forecast

Weather forecast (React)

A weather foreacast React webapp. I designed the style and the logos are from iconfinder.com. The data comes from openweathermap's API.

Password generator

Password Generator

A smaller JS project, that I created for fun. It's a small website for creating random passwords.

Receipe site

Recipe Website

A website for uploading and sharing recipes with each other. The style and the logo was designed by me. An older uni project, so the upload function is just a template.

Receipe site

Hangman Game(C#)

The classic hangman game written in C#.

Contact me